Carpets have the effect of a dust pocket, with merit of sucking up dust and stopping it flying around, but you can say that effect backfires.
They determined to avenge their father's death on their uncle.
You bit the hand that fed you.
They are bitter enemies.
Who will avenge the death of Karl?
"If you stop loving the robot, it will take its revenge upon you." "That robot will..." "Yes." "What type of revenge?" "It will kill you."
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou hast anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Never bite the hand that feeds you.
Never bite the hand that feeds you.
Don't act like my friend while stabbing me in the back.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Kanjisho uses multiple sources of data provided by third parties.
The search results are provided by the wonderful Jisho API which itself uses various data sources which you can find on the jisho's website. The data concerning the kanji strokes are provided by the KanjiVG project, under the CC BY 3.0 FR license. I also use Tatoeba to provide example sentences and Kuroshiro to obtain the furiganas and romajis versions of the sentences.
If you find any vices, errors or malfunctions, please let me know so that I can correct them.