Due to the emergence of coronavirus, there are now fewer reasons to go outside, and the number of people who are concerned with their health due to insufficient exercise is increasing.
As far as knowing health's worth once you've lost it goes, that's the same thing with parents, water or air.
In my daily life I take care in various ways of my body so as not to damage my health.
It's when you become able to move that the real value of health hits home.
However, a suitable level of stress is actually a necessary thing for your body's health.
This block of apartments is a building that takes both the environment and health into consideration. From now on we want to further expand this system and knowhow.
An aging population will require more spending on health care.
Toil and worry caused his health to break down.
There are many kinds of insurance such as: health insurance, fire insurance, life insurance, etc.
If the medicine is abused, people can ruin their health.
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