She was wearing an ugly dress.
His wife doesn't seem ugly to me.
Many architectural monstrosities are seen in Tokyo.
News of the scandal caused the politician to lose face.
An ugly duckling became a graceful swan.
Death is the ugly fact which Nature has to hide and she hides it well.
The architecture in this part of the city is ugly.
Beauty without goodness is worth nothing.
Seen close-up, things have a way of showing their defects, their innate ugliness.
Dennis can make the ugliest face in town.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Kanjisho uses multiple sources of data provided by third parties.
The search results are provided by the wonderful Jisho API which itself uses various data sources which you can find on the jisho's website. The data concerning the kanji strokes are provided by the KanjiVG project, under the CC BY 3.0 FR license. I also use Tatoeba to provide example sentences and Kuroshiro to obtain the furiganas and romajis versions of the sentences.
If you find any vices, errors or malfunctions, please let me know so that I can correct them.