By gift of the late Mr Smith the hospital received 3,000 dollars.
Let me donate what little money I have with me.
Your gift will go far towards helping to build the children's hospital.
What in the world do the Japanese know about living? From the moment they enter elementary school, they try their hardest to power through the days. They think life begins after that. Once they're out of school and get a job, they work to get it done. They think life begins after that. But life doesn't begin after that.
When she saw Ozawa's face, she became red up to the base of her ears.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Kanjisho uses multiple sources of data provided by third parties.
The search results are provided by the wonderful Jisho API which itself uses various data sources which you can find on the jisho's website. The data concerning the kanji strokes are provided by the KanjiVG project, under the CC BY 3.0 FR license. I also use Tatoeba to provide example sentences and Kuroshiro to obtain the furiganas and romajis versions of the sentences.
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